About David Rohlfing

I’m the author of the Detective Sasha Frank Mystery Series. The murder mystery series follows the relentless detective as he solves murders in the small Midwestern city of Bloomington, Illinois.
The first book in the series is “Deliberate Duplicity,” was published in January 2021. The second book in the series is “Cold Consequences” was released in July 2021. I’m currently working on the third book in the series, writing about Detective Sasha Frank investigating murders in Bloomington.
Business Career
While working in the business world over my career in the global automotive aftermarket industry, I’ve held a number of “C” level executive roles. I’ve sat on boards of companies and organizations. I’ve been an advisor to companies and executives, and currently work as a consultant.
My business experience ranges from managing my own company, ultimately merging it with a division of a Fortune 200 public company. I’ve held executive and board positions in private, public, and non-profit organizations, including Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director in the United States, Canada, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. I have been involved with various companies, including start-ups, new market entries, leveraged buy-outs, private equity, and regional, national, and international retail and wholesale automotive after-market platforms.
I have considerable hands-on experience in mergers and acquisitions, integrations, new market entry strategies, operations, sales, marketing, distribution, purchasing, and finance (simultaneously holding the chief financial officer and chief executive officer for a national retail platform). I have mentored many direct reports which have moved into executive positions for both national and international organizations.
I have helped organizations achieve exceptional sales and profit growth, adept in strategic planning, and known as an industry innovator during my career.
My services include advisory roles to senior executives, comprehensive consultation to help identify gaps and opportunities, and appointments as a director on corporate or non-profit boards. I will help you, your team, and your company achieves the success that you seek.
Automotovie Aftermarket Industry Blog - Just Sayin'
If you click on the BLOG button below you can read blogs posts that I’ve posted recently and over the years related to my business career in the automotive glass repair and replacement industry as well as the emergency roadside service (ERS) industry.
You can also connect with me via Twitter, Instagram and/or LinkedIn by clicking on the icons below.